Students and parents are expected to be committed members of a local Bible-believing church.
Students of this school are expected to refrain from talking about or engaging in cheating, swearing, smoking, drinking alcoholic beverages and using narcotics. Students who participate in such activities will be subject to suspension. Students are expected to act in an orderly and respectful manner, maintaining Christian character standards. Students must agree to strive towards unquestionable character in conduct and attitude; to this end all students will sign the Standard of Conduct form.
All enquiries and communication must be directed to the school office. Appointments with the administrator or any other staff member must be made with the secretary. Parents are requested not to go to the classes or learning centers during school time. Anything that the child may need during the day may be dropped off at the office.
- No staff member will be allowed to administer any medication (with exception of Panado tablets or syrup for pain and fever) without parental authorization in writing.
- All medicines must be kept and administered at the school office.
- Children who are coughing or have colds or contagious diseases should be kept at home until the condition has cleared.
- Children with chicken pox are required to stay out of school for 14 days
- Children with measles are required to stay out of school for 9 days.
- For mumps children are required to stay at home for 7 days
- Please do not return your child to school earlier as we will contact you to come and collect your child again.
- Please do not send your child to school should he/she have a fever.
- Children must also stay at home should they contract the following: head lice, ringworm, topical sores, pink eyes, etc.
- A copy of your child’s immunization record must be submitted to the school.
The Educational Department stipulates these guidelines.
This school admits students of any race, color, national and ethnic origin to all of the rights, privileges, programs and activities generally accorded or made available to the students at the school. Attendance of this school is a privilege and not a right.
- One Calendar Month notice must be given before withdrawing a student from the school.
- PLEASE NOTE: With reference to above, if notice is given in any month – with November being the child’s final month of school – parents will be liable for school fees for December as well. The parents must complete a Student Discharge form when notice is given
- All new students are admitted on probation for the first 3 months.
- Both or one parent is requested to attend a compulsory student service once a year at “Hoedspruit Lewende Water Gemeente” church.
- Both parents are to visit the school.
- Submit Application form.
- Diagnostic testing, applicable when child transfers from government school to ACE. When a child has to enter ABC (grade 1) a Reading Readiness Test will be done. Fees for diagnostic tests are available from the school office.
- Parents and students are to read this handbook thoroughly.
- The Administrator will interview both parents and pupil.
- Parents will be notified of acceptance.
- On acceptance the registration fee will be payable and the previous report card must be made available.
- There are information videos regarding the School of Tomorrow that parents are required to watch.
- Both parents must attend parent orientation.
- Parents are requested to notify the school in the event of a child being absent before 7:30 on the morning in question.
- A written excuse signed by a parent or guardian must be presented to the supervisor when a student returns to school after an absence.
- If the absence is foreseeable, a note should be sent one week in advance. Doctor, dental, music and other appointments are to be scheduled after school hours.
- Absence for reasons other than sickness and emergency will be excused only if arrangements are made one week in advance with the supervisor and the student is sufficiently advanced in his/her work.
- Excessive absences will inhibit the student’s progress.
- If in the opinion of the administration the absences are unnecessary, the student will be considered truant and detention will be given.
- A student is considered tardy if he/she is not in the Learning Center by 07:25, and detention will be given. Continued tardiness will necessitate a conference with parents and the Administrator/Principal, possibly leading to revocation of student’s privileges or suspension.
The lost and found department of the school is operated from the Learning Centre. A handling fee of R5-00 will be charged for each article recovered through lost and found. At the end of a reasonable time, all items, which have not been collected, will become the property of the school and may be disposed of through a student auction or clothes store for those in need.
The responsibility for scholastic achievement is placed on students. It is believed that no student should need to take academic work home. The goals set by the student and reviewed by the supervisor are no more than the student is capable of completing during the school day. Should the student not meet his/her goals for that day, he/she will be required, at the discretion of the supervisor, to complete the work at home. Should the student have homework, he/she must write it down in their homework book. The book is to be signed by the parent and returned the following day. If any resource books need to be taken home, it will be on the child’s own responsibility. If a book is lost or damaged in any way, parents will be held liable for the damage.
Parent orientation, meetings and conferences, promote a good understanding between parents or guardians and the faculty / administration of this school. Every parent is required to participate in these informative and helpful programs.
Students are given congratulations slips monthly to inform parents of their achievement and keep them up to date on their child’s progress. Parents have an excellent opportunity to encourage and compliment the student at this time.
The grading system of our school is designed to give parents a true indication of the student’s progress or lack thereof. Progress reports are given to students to present to their parents at the beginning of each semester. The report is to be signed by the parent and returned to the school promptly. A fee of R5 will be charged for duplicate cards.
This is not a corrective institution; consequently, we ask that a child should not be enrolled with the idea that we will reform him. We are here to work with the home, but not to take the place of parents who have experienced difficulty in fulfilling their roles.
Here a discipline is maintained which is firm, consistent, fair and tempered with love. Our staff maintains standards of behavior in the School through by means of a merit- and demerit system; always through kindness, love, and a genuine regard for the student. However, when disciplinary action (paddling) becomes necessary, it is firmly carried out by the parent, administrator or principal.
If your child is unhappy, please make an appointment with the principal or administrator. Support the administration and call the school for all the facts.
When a child’s attitude is not in accordance with school policies or principles, the child will be placed on probation and both parents will be called in for a conference. If the administration feels the situation has not changed within 2 weeks, parents will be asked to withdraw the child.
The paramount rule is “do right; do not disturb.” Demerit marks are given for disturbances or broken rules. Three or more marks in one day results in detention time as follows:
4 marks = 20 minutes detention
5 marks = 30 minutes detention
6 marks = 45 minutes detention
7 marks = 60 minutes detention
When a student receives detention, a “Corrective Action Notice” is sent home with the student and is to be signed by their parents. The next day the slip is returned and the detention time is served on the following day or as soon as possible thereafter. Detention will be served in the way as indicated on the “Corrective Action Notice”.
Demerits are an indication that a student may need direction in the development of principles of character in his/her life. Conferences with the supervisor, Administrator/Principal and parents are sometimes necessary to assure this growth.
Demerits are for procedural violations; punishment is for moral violations after warnings against repeated lying, cheating, fighting, filthy language, disrespect, defiance, etc.
Corporal correction is only applied when the child has failed to exercise self-restraint. It is the policy of this school to administer corporal correction according to biblical admonition when warranted. All parents will be required to complete a Biblical Admonition Notification.
- We walk inside, we run outside.
- Always listen to the teacher.
- Be kind to others and do not fight.
Student offices: (Pre-school)
- Take good care of your office; do not write on the office or scratch it
- Do not damage your flag.
Your child will play happily if he/she is wearing comfortable clothes. Children work daily with paint, glue, sand, mud, water, etc. so do not clothe your child in his/her best clothes. All your child’s clothes must be clearly marked. This makes it easier to find the owner of lost clothing.
- Everybody must participate in the morning opening exercises.
- A student is not permitted to communicate or be out of his office without permission. They should not turn around in their offices or tip back in their chairs.
- Activities not related to prescribed material are not to be conducted in an office unless privileges have been earned.
- Personal questions should be asked during break time.
- Chewing gum is not allowed on school property.
- “Six inch rule”. No tripping, bumping, pushing or hitting. No romantic relationships
- Students wishing to place calls will be required to pay for them, except for emergencies.
- No cell phones are allowed during school hours.
Student offices:
- Offices are assigned and changed only by the supervisor, and the student must care for them.
- Drawing pins, a chair cushion, a desk mat and approved background material for the bulletin board may be brought in by the student.
- Anything to be placed in the office must be approved by the supervisor.
- Students are not to lean or sit on offices or office dividers.
- Electrical outlets are for approved school equipment only.
- The Goal Card is to be kept up to date, using a pen to set the goals. The Goal Card is to be placed in the upper part/ of the bulletin board.
- The Progress Chart is to be placed in the upper left hand corner of the bulletin board. The students may not write on the card, and a fee will be levied for a duplicate chart.
Off limits:
- Other student’s offices.
- Supervisor’s station and files.
- Students may not leave the school grounds during school hours without permission.
- Matches, lighters, knives, radio’s, tapes or CD’s are not permitted on school grounds.
- PACE’s are private property and are not to be shared among students.
- After a PACE is complete, the student waits until the next morning before receiving the test. The student will receive the results and a new PACE, the following weekday.
- All work done in PACE’s must be in pencil.
- Calculators are not permitted in the Learning Center except at the supervisor’s station. (Calculator use is permitted after PACE 1075).
- If a PACE gets lost or has to be replaced because of major scoring violations, the PACE will be charged to the parent’s school account.
Goal card:
- Students must keep their Goal cards posted on their bulletin boards.
- The student determines the number of pages of work for the day under the supervision of the supervisor.
- The student must cross off daily goals when they have been scored and corrected.
Congratulation Slips:
The Congratulation slips must be pasted into a workbook to be taken home to show the parents the same day it is received.
Boys are to have a standard conservative haircut – No Steps or dreadlocks allowed. The hair is to be off the collar and ears, with sideburns no longer than to the middle of the ears. No patterns are to be cut/shaved into the students’ hair. Boys are to be clean shaven (no stubble or moustaches). No jewelry will be allowed.
Summer Uniform: Navy school shorts, blue shirt, black laced shoes with long navy socks or bare foot. Senior students (from grade 9) may wear long navy pants. A navy jersey and/or tracksuit top may be worn on cooler days. School cap is part of the uniform, to be worn with sport uniform, on fieldtrips etc.
Winter Uniform: Long navy pants, blue shirt (white shirt with tie and blazer or jersey for seniors), navy socks and black laced shoes. A navy jersey,pullover and/or tracksuit top may be worn on cooler days
Sport uniform: School tracksuit with red shirt, suitable white tackies, navy blue PT shorts.
Girls’ hair must be tied back off the neck and off the face, and no make-up / nail-polish will be allowed. Navy blue or white ribbons or hair bands may be used to tie back hair. Hair is not to be colored, tinted or highlighted. Braiding/platting against the head is acceptable. No beading or dreadlocks are allowed.
Only jewelry approved by day management may be worn. A cygnet ring and one set of sleeper earrings or plain studs are permissible in the earlobe only. The day management has the final say in this regard.
Summer uniform: Navy school skirt, blue shirt, black shoes and short navy socks or barefoot. A navy jersey and/or tracksuit top may be worn on cooler days. No need for shirt to be tucked in for seniors.
Winter uniform: Navy school skirt, blue shirt, black shoes and long or short navy socks. Navy knitted tights are also allowed. A navy jersey, pullover and/or tracksuit top may be worn on cooler days (white shirt with tie and blazer or jersey for seniors).
Sport uniform: School tracksuit with red shirt, navy blue knee length short, suitable white tackies.
School uniforms are obtainable from the school office.
In this bag, will be placed:
1 Letters to the parents.
2 Other slips e.g. Detention, Congratulations etc.
3 Invoices and Statements
Please sign the communication sheet, to indicate that you have received and read the included information.
With enrolment, a registration fee is payable. With the child moving up from one class to the next the difference in registration fees will be payable each year until a total registration fee per child is paid. Upon withdrawal of a student, one month’s written notice must be given. If student is withdrawn during the middle of the month you will be liable for one month’s school fee.
Monthly fees are payable before or on the 7th of each month. Fees are payable for 12 months.
Registration Fees as well as monthly fees are obtainable from the school office.
PLEASE NOTE: All financial arrangements must be in writing and addressed to the Administrator.
An after-care facility is available at school and is referred to as “Ararat”. Fees are obtainable from the school office. Please make the necessary arrangements at the school office.
Grade 5-12 students write OBEST and CFAM Tests annually. The books, registration and transport costs will be divided by the amount of students writing the tests each year. Parents will be notified when their children are writing and the costs involved. These amounts may be paid in cash or debited to your school account.
SAT Tests are required for students at the end of their grade 11 year. These tests are compulsory but are not included in the school fees.
The school hours are:
Gr. RR 07:30 – 13:30
Gr. R 07:30 – 13:30
Gr. 1 07:30 – 13:30
Gr. 2 – Gr. 12 07:30 – 13:30
Children may be dropped off at the school from 06:45 – supervision will be available.
All queries and complaints must be directed to the Administrator and or Principal. If a parent wishes to meet with the Administrator and or Principal, the appointment must be made through the school office. No parents are allowed to direct any complaints to a supervisor or monitor.
The Administrator/Principal can be reached at (015) 793 2067 during school hours or email or
All written correspondence can also be faxed to the following number: 086 246 5489
The purpose of the Right and Responsibilities document adopted by the Department of Basic Education and the National Alliance of Independent Schools Associations (NAISA) in 2010 is to clarify the distinct nature of independent schools within the South African education system and assist Provincial Education Departments (PEDs) in general and district officials to deal appropriately with them.
This document covers the key defining characteristics of independent schools. These are aspects of independent schools that make them different from public schools; both in the way they are legally sanctioned and the way they operate. These characteristics include the following:
- They follow their own distinctive missions (including ethos, religion, faith or philosophy and values).
- They determine their own learner admission policies in line with the law.
- They choose their own curricula and exit examinations that meet the prescribed outcomes of the National Curriculum Statement.
- They may determine their own promotion and retention policies in line with applicable policies.
- They determine how they are governed, financed, and staffed, within the boundaries of the law, and in line with good governance practice.
Independent schools must operate within the confines of the Constitution and all relevant National and Provincial legislation. However, critical to their independence is the freedom of a school to use its professional judgement to make decisions. These key characteristics ensure that schools have the freedom they require to be able to determine and deliver programmes of academic excellence to learners and adhere to their ethos.
In line with the right to follow our own distinctive faith; Hoedspruit Christian School hereby declares its Statement of Faith for the purpose of assisting learners and parents who wish to enrol with Hoedspruit Christian School for their schooling journey towards realising their full potential in this world.
Hoedspruit Christian School exists for the Christian discipleship and education of children through a Bible based curriculum. To excel in this endeavour, Christian unity within the school is a requirement. Therefore, families applying for admission must be likeminded regarding the practice and acceptance of the Hoedspruit Christian School Statement of Faith outlined herein under. Please read the Statement of Faith closely to determine if it is in accordance with your family’s personal beliefs and values.
- We believe the Bible to be the inspired, infallible, authoritative, and inerrant Word of God (2 Timothy 3:16: 2 Peter 1:21).
- We believe there is one God, eternally existent in three persons—Father, Son, and Holy Spirit (Genesis 1:1; Matthew 28:19; John 10:30).
- We believe in the deity of Christ (John 10:33); His virgin birth (Isaiah 7:14; Matthew 1:23; Luke 1:35); His sinless life (Hebrews 4:15; 7:26), His miracles (John 2:11); His vicarious and atoning death (1 Corinthians 15:3; Ephesians 1:7; Hebrews 2:9); His Resurrection (John 11:25; 1 Corinthians 15:4); His Ascension to the right hand of God (Mark 16:19); His personal return in power and glory (Acts 1:11; Revelation 19:11).
- We believe in the absolute necessity of regeneration by the Holy Spirit for salvation, because of the exceeding sinfulness of human nature; that man is justified by grace because of the shed blood of Christ; and that only by God’s grace and through faith are we saved (John 3:16–19, 5:24, 25; Romans 3:23, 5:1, 8–9; Ephesians 1:3-5; 2:1, 8–10; Titus 3:5).
- We believe in the resurrection of both the saved and the lost; those who are saved receive eternal life and those who are lost receive eternal condemnation (John 5:28–29).
- We believe in the spiritual unity of believers in our Lord Jesus Christ (Romans 8:9; 1 Corinthians 2:12–13; Galatians 3:26–28).
- We believe in the present ministry of the Holy Spirit by who’s indwelling the Christian is enabled to live a godly life (Romans 8:13–14; 1 Corinthians 3:16, 6:19–20; Ephesians 4:30, 5:18).
- We believe that God wonderfully and immutably creates each person as either biological male or biological female, and that these two distinct, complementary sexes together reflect the image and nature of God. (Gen. 1:26-27)
- We believe that God created marriage to be exclusively the union of one man and one woman, and that intimate sexual activity is to occur exclusively within that union (Gen. 2:18-25; I Cor. 6:18; 7:2-5; Heb. 13:4)
- We believe that any form of sexual immorality (including, but not limited to, adultery, fornication, homosexual behaviour, bisexual conduct, transgenderism, bestiality, incest, or use of pornography) is sinful and offensive to God. (Matt. 15:18-20; I Cor. 6:9-10).
- While we acknowledge and respect that the Constitution and laws of our country do allow some of the lifestyles and practices that the Bible (Word of God) has prohibited, our school’s default position will always be to uphold the values and godly character traits as inspired by the Bible, the word of God.
NOTE: This statement of faith does not exhaust the extent of our beliefs. The Bible itself, as the inspired and infallible Word of God that speaks with final authority concerning truth, morality, and the proper conduct of mankind, is the final source of all that we believe. For purposes of Hoedspruit Christian School’s faith, doctrine, practice, policy, and discipline, our Board of Directors is the final interpretive authority on the Bible’s application.